2022 September 23rd to 25th Meditation Retreat participation

Date: September 16, 2022

Please scroll down on signup sheet to  select the the days for your participation

Program Schedule

September 23 - Fri 07:00 pm - 9:00pm (Orientation)

07:00 - 7:20 = Observance of Precepts & Introduction
07:20 - 8:20 = Dhamma talk and Q/A
08:20 - 9:00 = Guided meditation

September 24 - Sat 09:00 am - 9:00 pm

09:00 - 09:20 = Observance of Precepts & Instructions
09:20 - 10:30 = Sitting Meditation followed by standing and
10:30 - 11:15 = Sitting Meditation
11:15 - 11:30 = Buddha Pooja
11:30 - 12:30 = Dana and lunch for all participantsPM
12:30-1:30 - Cleaning & Break
1:30-2:30 - Dhamma talk
2:30-3:00 -Standing Meditation
3:00-3:45- Sitting Meditation
3:45-4:00 - Tea break
4:00-5:00 -Walking meditation
5:00-6:00 -Yoga Postures and Stretches
6.00-6:45-Sitting meditation
6:45-7:30 -Break and Refreshments
7:30-8:15 - Q & A
08:15-09:00 - Sitting Meditation

September 25 - Sun 9:00am - 6:00 pm

9:00 - 9:45 - Observance of Precepts & Dhamma
9:45 - 11.15 - Sitting Meditation followed by standing
and walking
11:15 - 11:30 - Buddha Pooja
11:30 - 12:30 - Dana and lunch for all participantsPM
12:30-1:30 - Cleaning & Break
1:30-2:00 -Walking meditation
2:00-3:00 - Sitting meditation
3:00-3:15 - Tea Break
3:15-4:00 - Yoga Postures and Stretches
4:00-5:00 - Final Dhamma Talk and Q & A
5:00-5:30 - Dedication of Merits and Conclusion
5:00-6:00 – Cleaning

Sign up below...

Registering for Name
Registering for Name
Participation for September 23rd #1: Diane Matway
#2: Carrie Dambrosio
#3: Ronald Leuenberger
#4: James Berger
#5: kathleen Berger
#6: Kumudu Kulasekere
#7: John Russo
#8: Nancy Sargent
#9: Aaron Jentzen
#10: Pasan Wanigarathne
#11: Mike Komoroski
#12: Manisha Yogeswaran
#13: Ritesh Shah
#14: Jeanne Rohach
#15: anna beryozkina
#16: ben luffey
#17: Matthew Vaughan
#18: Nathan neumont
#19: Sue Goodwin
#20: Dilhari DeAlmeida
#21: Ruwan DeAlmeida
#22: Kyoko Henson
#23: Aprilynn Artz
#24: Matthew Steiner
#25: Tracey Anzaldi
#26: Jeffrey Reitz
#27: David Basile
#28: Kalyani Vats
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Participation for September 24th #1: Diane Matway
#2: Ronald Leuenberger
#3: John Russo
#4: Aaron Jentzen
#5: Pasan Wanigarathne
#6: Kathleen Berger
#7: Ritesh Shah
#8: Priyanga Gunarathne
#9: Jeanne Rohach
#10: anna beryozkina
#11: ben luffey
#12: Matthew Vaughan
#13: Nathan neumont
#14: D Dealmeida
#15: R DeAlmeida
#16: Reshani Perera
#17: Kithmini Seneviratne
#18: Tracey Anzaldi
#19: Jeffrey Reitz
#20: Kumudini Ranatunga
#21: David Basile
#22: Yapa Amaras9riya
#23: Sue Goodwin
#24: Carrie A. Dambrosioi
#25: Kalyani Vats
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Participation for September 25th #1: Diane Matway
#2: Ronald Leuenberger
#3: James Berger
#4: John Russo
#5: Aaron Jentzen
#6: Pasan Wanigarathne
#7: Manisha Yogeswaran
#8: Ritesh Shah
#9: Jeanne Rohach
#10: anna beryozkina
#11: Ben Luffey
#12: Matthew Vaughan
#13: Nathan neumont
#14: Jon Basalyga
#15: Menglun Li
#16: Tracey Anzaldi
#17: Jeffrey Reitz
#18: Yapa Amaras9riya
#19: Carrie A. Dambrosioi
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Pittsburgh Buddhist center is a registered non profit organization. | 58 QSI Lane, Allison Park, PA 15101 | 724-939-3911