2023 Vesak Sil Program (Eight Precepts Program) Participation signup

Date: May 7, 2023

PBC is conducting half-day retreat as part of the 2023 Vesak  Celebrations on May 07th, Sunday from 9.00 am - 5.30pm. You will follow the "eight precepts" while practicing mindfulness in every activity, chanting and listening to Dhamma talks in person at PBC. During this program lunch and all refreshments will be provided for participants

Program Schedule

Part 1 - Eight Precepts Program /Half-Day Retreat             
09.00 a.m.  -  09.30 a.m.   Observing Eight Precepts* and Buddha Vandana
09.30 a.m.  -  10.30 a.m.    Dhamma Talk
10.30 a.m.  -  11.00 a.m.   Meditation
11.00 a.m.  -  11.30 a.m.   Buddha Puja: Offerings to the Buddha
11.30 a.m.  -  12.00 p.m.    Dana / Lunch: Mindful Eating
12.00 p.m.  -  12.30 p.m.   Cleaning and Break
12.30 p.m.  -  01.15 p.m.   Walking Meditation
01.15 p.m.  -  01.45 p.m.    Sitting Meditation
01.45 p.m.  -  02.15 p.m.   Sutta Discussion
02.15 p.m   -  02.45 p.m.  Meditation on the Qualities of the Buddha
02.45 p.m. -   03.15 p.m.   Chanting of Pirith
03.15 p.m.  -  03.30 p.m.  Reflection of the day and Dismissal of Eight Precepts

Part II (Devotional Songs)

 03.30 p.m. - 04.00 p.m. Displays of Vesak Lanterns
04.00 p.m. - 05.00 p.m. Bhakthi Gee (Devotional Songs) by Children
05:00 p.m – 05.30 p.m. Bhakthi Gee (Devotional Songs) by Adults
05.30 p.m.  Refreshments and end

* Eight Precepts

1. Abstaining from killing or harming any living being
2. Abstaining from taking what is not properly given (i.e. stealing)
3. Abstaining from sexual and sensual indulgence
4. Abstaining from false speech
5. Abstaining from using intoxicants
6. Abstaining from taking solid meals after noon (moderation in eating)
7. Abstaining from entertainment, dancing, singing, use of beauty products &
perfumes (modesty)
8. Abstaining from seating on high and luxurious chairs and beds (simplicity)

Sign up below...

Registering for Name
Registering for Name
Participation #1: Matthew Vaughan
#2: Padma Karunaratne
#3: Kumudini Ranatunga
#4: Madushani Ranatunga
#5: Nalin Ranatunga
#6: Kusana Nanayakkara
#7: Kisanya Nanayakkara
#8: Sahani Iddawela
#9: Supuni Nandasiri
#10: Thakshila Dasanayake
#11: Sati Briggs
#12: John Russo
#13: Nathan Neumont
#14: Aaron Jentzen
#15: Kithmini Seneviratne
#16: Jeanne Rohach
#17: Vianett Knox
#18: Paul Knox
#19: Becky Button
#20: Ritesh Shah
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Pittsburgh Buddhist center is a registered non profit organization. | 58 QSI Lane, Allison Park, PA 15101 | 724-939-3911