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November 11, 2018 Appreciation Lunch
What better way to usher in the Thanksgiving season than to show our appreciation to the Sri Lankan community for the many delicious meals they have provided PBC throughout the year.
Its our turn now! The Wednesday evening meditation group and local friends of PBC will provide lunch for our monks and Sri Lankan friends on Sunday, November 11th in appreciation for their ongoing kindness and generosity.
Please join us on that day as we offer dana, share fellowship and grow together in the dhamma.
Sign up sheets follow.
The Wednesday night meditation group will sponsor the 2018 November Monthly Program meal for the Sri Lankan community and guests on November 11th at the PBC.
*If you are bringing an item that needs to be kept warm, bringing it in a (10 3/8″W x 12 7/8″L x 2 1/2″D) foil pan fits perfectly in the warming trays.