Dana, Pot Luck Lunch, Dhamma Talk on
How to Boost the Mental Immunity & Meditation Session
By Renowned Buddhist Teacher Bhante Sankichcha
Bhante Sankichcha is the President of Great Lakes Buddhist Vihara, Detroit, MI. Ordained in 1991, Bhante has served in Buddhist centers in Sri Lanka and Australia before coming to the US. With 24 years of experience in mindfulness meditation, Bhante offers lessons on Buddhist doctrines and meditation guidance for adults and children in Detroit and other Buddhist centers in the US.
Program Schedule
Part I
11:00 am – 11:30 am: Offerings (Buddha-puja)
11: 30 am – 12: 30: Dana and Pot Luck Lunch
Dana for monks will be sponsored by Damitha and Padma Karunarathna of State College in loving memory of Damitha’s late farther, A.D.P. Karunarathna
Sign up here for a food item for potluck lunch
Part II
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm: Dhamma Talk & Discussion led by Bhante Sankichcha
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm: Meditation
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm: Blessing Service with Pirith Chanting
Let us know your participation